GSC – Special Update March ’13

Public Meeting with ALEXIS TSIPRAS, Head of Syriza Parliamentary Group and Leader of the Opposition to the current pro-austerity Greek coalition government, London Fri 16 Mar 2013!

“The London branch of SYRIZA is proudly hosting c. Alexis Tsipras – the head of the SYRIZA parliamentary group, and Leader of the Opposition – on Friday 15 March from 18.30-20.30 for a public talk at Friends’ House, near Euston station, London.  Please arrive promptly.

Tony Benn, President of the Greece Solidarity Campaign, will provide a brief introduction.

A voluntary contribution of £3 to cover the cost of the hall would be most welcome.

Please propagate as widely as possible!”

Further details at:

N.B. There is also a Hellenic Observatory Lecture by Alexis Tsipras on Thursday 14 which is now fully booked.

Many individuals in the UK, including unions with over 3 million members, are affiliated to the Greece Solidarity Campaign. We support all (non-fascist) parties and community campaigns opposing austerity in Greece.  Please encourage more to Join the Greece Solidarity Campaign .


I have been asked to inform you of a second event
EPAM London UK have organised a Film and Talk on Friday 15 March 2013 at 20:30
immediately after the 1830-2030 Syriza Meeting with Alexis Tsipras
at Friends Meeting house mentioned below.

EPAM describes itself as a Greek anti-bailout, anti-austerity progressive party. Their press release says:

“On the 15th of March 2013, at the Greek/Cypriot Center Britannia Center (Britannia Road, North Finchley, N12 9RU), EPAM UK is screening the documentary ‘Debt Management’. The screening will be followed by a short talk by Mr Antonis Ragousis (Cass Business School, City University London) addressing the history and dynamic of the Greek National Debt, the current situation in Greece & Cyprus and the option of the National Currency. The event will be concluded by an open discussion with the public based on the matters raised throughout the evening.”!/events/160147207471597/ and

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