Author Archives: Steve Cushion

Economy: Troika of international lenders returns to Greece

  For the first time since October 2011, representatives from the EU commission, the IMF and the ECB – the “troika” of international lenders – will meet in Athens to monitor the progress of Greek efforts to reform. The long-awaited … Continue reading

The Challenges of the Greek Left After the Election

The Challenges of the Greek Left After the Election [3 tapes]  – Recorded in Toronto, 19 June 2012.   Leo Panitch, Professor of Political Economy at York University, talks about the austerity crisis in Greece and the potential for the left parties … Continue reading

Greece Solidarity Campaign update 4

1.  A CLOSE FINISH: New Democracy 29.66%; SYRIZA 26.89%.  Yes, the election result is a disappointment; but it should be noted that Syriza’s vote rose from 4.6% in 2009 to 26.89% on Sunday 17 June 2012. In contrast, New Democracy’s fell … Continue reading

Scandal! Germany’s Financial Times calls Greeks to vote for ND

Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Politics Unbelievable! Financial Times Germany (FTD) calls Greeks to cast their vote on Sunday in favor of pro-bailout conservative Nea Dimocratia! In the unprecendeted bold op-ed article with the title “Resist to the  Demagogue” Financial Times Deutschland claims this is its … Continue reading

Leaflet for June 17 demonstration in London