Medical Aid for Greece Garden Fundraiser July 29th 2017


Medical Aid for Greece

Garden Fundraiser

Saturday July 29th 5pm

Stroud Green

BBQ, kebabs, salads, home-made dips and side dishes and choice of vegetarian dishes

Tickets £20 waged £10 unwaged

Book your tickets NOW!


Cheques to ‘Medical Aid for Greece’ to Greece Solidarity Campaign, Housman’s Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX. Pay direct: to Medical Aid for Greece A/C 20307259  Sort Code 60-83-01

The Greek people need our solidarity.

They are dealing with two extreme humanitarian crises and have stepped up with inspiring selflessness, determination and courage. Nine years of the severest austerity measures have led, despite fierce resistance, to 24% unemployment, 50% youth unemployment, wages cut by 25% and pensions by more than 45%, recurring tax rises, huge spending cuts in education & health, 28% of children living in poverty. Mental illness has doubled and suicides risen by 35%.

The grassroots solidarity movement has developed a social solidarity network of free health clinics and pharmacies, community kitchens, without middlemen food markets and employment projects. These are run by volunteers and organised by inclusive democratic assemblies.

The solidarity clinics and pharmacies serve the people who the ruined Greek health system cannot cope with. They also serve the 60,000 refugees stranded in Greece with the closure of the northern Balkan borders in 2016. Half of the refugees are children. In Athens, all primary care clinics were closed and the hospitals, whose budgets were cut by 50%, are overwhelmed. Basic medical supplies have run out; staffing is critically low. The Greek people have welcomed the refugees and tried to meet their needs with warmth and generosity, sharing what little they have. The volunteers now work double shifts, at the solidarity structures and with the refugees.  

Our Solidarity is Needed! 

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