Fund-Raising Dinner for Medical Aid for Greece with Women Social Solidarity Activists from Athens

Solidarity Clinics Attica imagesZ0RQFWS3

Fund-Raising Dinner for Medical Aid for Greece

Saturday October 13th 2018 at 7.30pm

Hear from 3 women social solidarity activists from Athens!

Fabulous buffet dinner, live bouzouki music, a raffle.  

 At the Cypriot Centre, Earlham Grove, Wood Green N22 5HJ.  

Book your Tickets £30.00. Book a table!

Email: Cheques to ‘Medical Aid for Greece’ to Greece Solidarity Campaign, Housman’s Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX. Pay direct: to Medical Aid for Greece A/C 20307259  Sort Code 60-83-01

  • Eleni Sotiropoulou from Patissia Social Solidarity Pharmacy, Athens
  • Georgia Koumparouli from Peristeri Social Solidarity Clinic, Athens and
  • Tatiana Egorova from Solidarity for All, Athens

will speak about their experience of building democratic social solidarity structures in Greece. The evening is NOT TO BE MISSED!

People in Greece still need our solidarity.

  • The shocking fires which destroyed thousands of homes and killed 91 people in West Attica in July brought added trauma.
  • The 8 years of severest austerity measures have led, despite fierce resistance, to huge unemployment – still at 20% (fallen from 27%), and youth unemployment still 39% (fallen from 50%), wages cut by 25% and pensions by more than 45%, huge tax rises and spending cuts, increased poverty and homelessness, the doubling of mental illness and big rise in suicides. Despite the social welfare measures of the Tsipras government to alleviate extremest poverty and ensure minimum health care cover, the situation remains dire with the debt-laden economy shrunk by 25%. 
  • In addition, 60,000 refugees are stranded in Greece and more continue to arrive on the islands. Half of the refugees are children.

The people have stepped up with inspiring selflessness, determination and courage in the face of these humanitarian crises. The grassroots social solidarity movement has developed a network of free health clinics and pharmacies, community kitchens, without middlemen food markets and employment projects. These are run by volunteers and organised by inclusive democratic assemblies. The solidarity clinics and pharmacies continue to provide free medicines and to serve the refugees and now the needs of the victims of the fires.                                 Our Solidarity is Needed!   Book your Tickets £30.00. Book a table!

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