Category Archives: Reports

Greek Health Minister confronted in London

The Greek Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis, who had been invited to speak by the Hellenic Society of Imperial College, London, was confronted by an angry audience at the meeting on Sunday 16th March. ‘The government’s policies kill. Health Minister Mr Adonis … Continue reading

Annual General Meeting of Greece Solidarity Campaign March 2014

Report by Cllr Isidoros Diakides, Co-Chair GSC, March 2014 Our patron and honorary president Tony Benn is ill in hospital as we’ve heard. Also in hospital with pneumonia is our big Greek friend, the well known composer Mikis Theodorakis, the … Continue reading

“I strongly believe that the people and the working class of Europe have to build a broad front against the economic war that neo-liberalism has launched”

Speech of Syriza Member of the Greek Parliament Theano Fotiou at the GSC and FBU fringe meeting at the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in Bournemouth, UK Monday 9 September 2013. Theano, a former University Professor, was an official guest of … Continue reading

The state of the Greek health service and the humanitarian crisis in Greece 2013.

Speech by Jane Beach,Unite the Union official Health sector, at the South East Regional TUC briefing for trade unionists on Politics in Greece, 24 October 2013, following her visit to Greece with the GSC.  I’d like to share with you … Continue reading

For a European antifascist movement before it is too late…

  Monday 14 October 2013, by Yorgos Mitralias The launching press conference of the Greek Committee of the European Antifascist Initiative took place on Thursday 10 October 2013 at the conference hall of the Greek Journalists’ Union. The panel included … Continue reading

Report of visit by Syriza MP Theano Fotiou to the UK TUC 7-10 September

Over a couple of days Theano Fotiou met over 50 people, including the most influential figures in the UK trade union movement, and deepened their understanding of the situation in Greece. Apart from attending formal events, a TUC guest can … Continue reading

A vivid warning to us all

By Jeremy Corbyn   The first thing I noticed coming out of Syntagma station next to the Greek parliament was a man trying to raise money for an operation. On the pavement around him were scattered political leaflets and other … Continue reading

Meeting with Alexis Tsipras – leader of SYRIZA

The Greece Solidarity Campaign’s recent delegation to Athens met with ALEXIS TSIPRAS MP, Leader of SYRIZA and President of Synaspismos. The delegation meeting him included national representatives from UNITE, CWU, FBU and TSSA, together with Romayne Phoenix, Chair of the Coalition … Continue reading

Can’t Pay Won’t Pay! Solidarity with the People of Greece – Delegation video report

Video from the 19/20 March 2012 delegation to Greece organised by the Greece Solidarity Campaign, Coalition of Resistance and People’s Charter.  

Cant Pay Wont Pay! Solidarity with the People of Greece – Delegation video report

Video from the 19/20 March 2012 delegation to Greece organised by the Greece Solidarity Campaign, Coalition of Resistance and People’s Charter.