Category Archives: Fascism

Fascists kill in Greece! Antifascist protest in London, Saturday September 21. 1 pm. at the Greek Embassy

 The Greece Solidarity Campaign is calling on all to support the protest!  Around midnight  on the 17th of September in the popular working class district of Amfiali in the area of Piraeus, a young man, age 34 was brutally stabbed … Continue reading

Austerity and the Rise of Fascism in Greece and Europe – How this will affect the LGBTQ community | Feb 22

22 February 2013 – 7:30pm – 9:30pm Location Clapham Public Library, Mary Seacole Centre, 91 Clapham High Street London SW4 7DB QUAC (Queers Against the Cuts) is a diverse group of LGBTQ people dedicated to opposing vicious austerity measures. The … Continue reading

Antifascist demos at the Greek embassies everywhere | Jan 19

Many groups, organisations and networks are coming together in Athens and call for an International day of action against Golden Dawn and the fascists in Greece. Here is the greek initial Declaration for 19 January: 19January in London: … Continue reading

GSC letter to Syriza MP attacked by Golden Dawn members

The Greece Solidarity Campaign is appalled by the brutal attack on Syriza MP Dimitris Stratoulis by the fascist thugs of ‘Golden Dawn’ and have written to him expressing our solidarity. We have been here before – with Hitler and the … Continue reading

Golden Dawn members attack and beat SYRIZA MP

By Keep Talking Greece Members of extreme right-wing Golden Dawn attacked and beat Dimitris Stratoulis, MP of left-wing SYRIZA outside OAKA football stadium Sunday evening in Athens. According to Stratoulis, he was approached by three men who told him they … Continue reading

A warning from Athens

By Daniel Trilling In Greece, the far right has taken advantage of public anxiety caused by hyper-austerity, stoking xenophobia and violence. But the country’s experience is by no means unique. It’s Saturday morning in Athens and the players are taking … Continue reading

The initial call for the 19th of January national day of antifascist action

On the 19th of January 2013, we flood the streets of Athens from every city and neighborhood of the country, workers and youth from every workplace, place of education and art. We occupy the city with music, chants and speeches, … Continue reading

Alarm at Greek police ‘collusion’ with far-right Golden Dawn

Are Greek police colluding with far-right Golden Dawn? Related Stories Greek result buys Europe time Greece’s far-right party, Golden Dawn, won 18 parliamentary seats in the June election with a campaign openly hostile to illegal immigrants and there are now … Continue reading