Author Archives: C

Greece Solidarity Campaign Delegation in Athens

     A 17 strong Greece Solidarity Campaign delegation visited Athens in mid October. Leading representatives of the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign, TSSA, Unite the Union, RMT, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists, People’s Assembly, People’s Charter and a new Labour … Continue reading

Greece Solidarity Campaign Fund-Raising Dinner for Medical Aid for Greece

 A Fund-Raising Dinner – Tuesday October 21st 7.30pm –  Elysee Restaurant,  13 Percy Street, London  W1T 1DP. All proceeds to Medical Aid for Greece PLEASE SHOW YOUR SOLIDARITY!   BUY TICKETS / BOOK A TABLE FOR OUR FUND RAISING DINNER GOOD FOOD, … Continue reading

British trade union leader backs Greek cleaners

         Frances O’Grady, General Secretary of the British Trades Union Congress has expressed the solidarity of its 6 million members with the struggle of 595 women cleaners battling for their jobs. O’ Grady said, ‘I send solidarity to you and your … Continue reading

Stand in Solidarity with the 595 Women Cleaners in London Saturday September 20th

The year long campaign of resistance by 595 sacked cleaners has attracted mass public support in Greece, the issue becoming symbolic of the resistance to austerity and privatisation. Read more here Support their campaign – send a message of solidarity. Visit … Continue reading

Some news 31 August 2014

    (a) Latest Opinion Polls: Unpublished opinion polls during the summer indicated that Syriza was surging ahead. On 30th August the first official opinion poll for more than a month confirmed this trend. The unadjusted (for those who won’t say, won’t … Continue reading

Women Cleaners become the soul of resistance to austerity policies of government and Troika

                     After 11 months of bitter struggle,  595 public sector cleaners, all women, have become the embodiment and the soul of the most ferocious resistance against the politics of austerity in Greece, having dared to confront the power of … Continue reading

State doctors appeal against salary cuts

Doctors at Greek state hospitals are lodging a mass  appeal against cuts to their salaries that have been imposed as part of  troika-mandated reforms over the past two years. The union representing doctors at public hospitals  in Athens and Piraeus … Continue reading

‘Scandalous’ court verdict condemned after acquittal of farmers who shot 28 migrant fruit pickers

The Guardian newspaper reported (31.7.2014) on the Greek court’s decision and the outrage it has caused across the country. ‘A Greek court’s decision to acquit farmers who admitted shooting 28 Bangladeshi strawberry pickers when they asked for months of back … Continue reading

Europe against Austerity – Public Meeting Friday July 4th 2014 London

People from seven European countries came together at a meeting in London convened by the Greece Solidarity Campaign to discuss the outcomes of the recent European elections. Marina Prentoulis of the Greek radical left coalition Syriza and GSC opened the … Continue reading

Syriza, the radical left anti-austerity party, tops Greek Euro-elections

Syriza – the party campaigning for a radical left alternative to the neoliberal politics of austerity imposed by the Troika and Greek government – topped the European elections with 26.57% showing a huge increase in support. See the full detail here.   They … Continue reading