Author Archives: C

Opposing the Privatisation of Greece’s Water

18th May 2014 will see a grass roots organised referendum in opposition to the government threats of water privatisation in Greece’s second city Thessaloniki. As part of the terms of the loathed “memorandum” imposed by the IMF, in 2011 the … Continue reading

Cancelling Greek Debt is an Overdue Necessity

                                                                                         Cancelling the majority of the Greek sovereign debt is an overdue necessity. This was the conclusion of a European conference on debt held in Athens at the start of May 2014. The concluding statement published by the Greek Debt … Continue reading


Report of the Annual General Meeting of the Greece Solidarity Campaign published by the Labour Representation Committee. By Barbara Humphries. The first AGM of the Greece Solidarity Campaign (GSC) took place at the UNITE headquarters on Saturday 1st March. The … Continue reading

Golden Dawn describes Hitler as ‘a great personality’

The Greek party Golden Dawn has described Hitler as ‘a great personlity’ cementing the party’s credentials as a neo Nazi force.  ( For full article see The Guardian Helena Smith April 16th 2014) In a rare interview with a foreign … Continue reading

Syriza -the main anti-austerity left wing party – pays tribute to Tony Benn

SYRIZA STATEMENT IN APPRECIATION OF TONY BENN’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PEOPLE OF GREECE Tony Benn’s life graced post-war Europe during the century he lived. His thoughts and actions, inextricably connected until the end, inspired the struggles and embodied the hopes … Continue reading

Appeal from the Sit In of Women Cleaners fighting Unemployment.

595 women cleaners employed by the Greek Finance Ministry have been striking and protesting for months to save their jobs. They now face the sack on May 18th as a direct result of the Troika’s demands  for cuts and privatisation. The … Continue reading

May Day Protests and Strikes against Austerity, Unemployment and Fascism

Massive demonstrations and strikes marking international workers’ day took place in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras on May 1st. Thousands protested against the troika’s austerity policies, 27% unemployment and the threat of fascism.  Public and private sector unions took strike action … Continue reading

Angry cleaning women demand their jobs wearing crowns of thorns

On Maundy Thursday cleaning women held an angry protest outside the Greek Finance Ministry in Athens demanding their jobs back and comparing the Finance Minister to Pontius Pilate. Last Autumn, the finance ministry placed 595 cleaning ladies – employed at … Continue reading

Greek Police are a Law unto Themselves – Amnesty International Reports

As Greece faces its sixth year of severe austerity policies, Amnesty International has published a report on how Greek police responses to the social tensions are continuing to flout international human rights law. Amnesty International states: ‘ A series of police-implemented … Continue reading

Condolences from Solidarity for All, Greece

The Greece Solidarity Campaign has received many tributes to Tony Benn. You can hear Tony Benn speaking on Greece on euGreek Radio in March 2012 here. Solidarity for All, the national network of social solidarity clinics, kitchens and markets, sent us … Continue reading